Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Snack Pictures

Here are pictures from KTC that I haven't taken the time to post until now. I think they all turned out pretty well!

This is Samson's face with a pretzel dumbbell.

This is Hezekiah's Crown and the Belt of Truth.

These are the "Shoes of Peace."

This is the Fiery Furnace.

This is the "He is Risen Doughnut."


mama giles said...

Okay--the "shoes of peace" are too cute. Good job on it all.

H said...

Those are all so awesome!!! :)

Our Four Kids said...

We loved the snacks!

Nice pictures!:)

Tyler and Gillian said...

Thanks, everybody! :) And the pictures are yours, Steph, so thanks :)

Tyler and Gillian said...

Thanks, everybody! :) And the pictures are yours, Steph, so thanks :)