Reebok EasyTone Shoes - supposedly they make you feel like you're walking on sand and make your muscles work harder which tones your calves, thighs, and butt.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I want these
Reebok EasyTone Shoes - supposedly they make you feel like you're walking on sand and make your muscles work harder which tones your calves, thighs, and butt.
Posted by Tyler and Gillian at 2:08 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
What's happenin'?
A whole lot, but not much blog-worthy. Life has settled into it's normal "school-year" routine for us. Despite the fact that we don't have kids, the years seems to break up into semesters and summers for us. Our fall "semester" looks like this: Sunday is church of course, and our church has added an evening service (which we have yet to attend, but would like to soon). Monday brings a meeting at church (every other week) during the day for me, and Christmas choir practice (yes, I said CHOIR!) for me and BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) for Tyler in the evening. Tuesdays find me at church once again helping with childcare during the day, and it is $1 day at the local movie theater, so we are often found sitting in front of a screen on Tuesday nights (hey, you can barely RENT movies for $2 total, let alone see them in a theater!). Wednesdays are my days to work out and do things at home (clean, grocery shop, do laundry, etc.). Thursdays and Fridays I am at work all day. Saturdays vary in activities, but include diving, hanging with friends, RedBox movies, and home projects. Throw in some babysitting here and there, and some fun outings once in a while, and that is my life. Like I said, a lot going on, but none of it very blog-worthy.
I am already counting down the days til Christmas...54....even though we're not heading home this year. That is sad, but Christmas always makes me happy :)
Tonight we are meeting some friends for Ethiopian food. It has been too long! My tummy is growling in anticipation :)
Our computer, lovingly named "the Beast," died last week. So, we had to resurrect "Old Faithful" from almost 5 years ago. After a few days of waiting 2 minutes (grrrr!) for applications to open, we ordered a shiny, new quad-core computer. It will be here in 2 weeks. Let's hope we can keep our sanity for that long (remember the days when we thought Oregon Trail on DOS was super fast and cool?!)
I will be 27 in less than a month. That makes me feel old. On the up-side, whenever people ask how old I am and I tell them, they never believe me. I guess my name was very aptly chosen (you can google that one if you want more information).
We have officially taken a break from house-hunting. This made me sad as well, but through several circumstances, we both came to the conclusion that to keep pushing forward in this area, would be doing what WE wanted to do, not what God was telling us to do. So, we will be renting for at least another 6 months and see what happens from there. I must admit, it's been nice not being on the rollercoaster of "I love this house, I hope we get this house, this house is perfect for us, we didn't get the house AGAIN, *cry,* do we need to stop looking at houses, oh look at this house, I love this house...
There's some random tidbits about what's been happenin'. Maybe THIS time I will be better about keeping up with this thing :)
Posted by Tyler and Gillian at 3:19 PM 3 comments
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Just a few...
Posted by Tyler and Gillian at 8:29 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
This blanket is not for me ;) Sorry if I got your hopes up...
Posted by Tyler and Gillian at 3:15 PM 2 comments
Sewing project!!
I finished my first (well, second, but the first was YEARS ago!) sewing project today! It's a little taggy blanket for a baby, about 14"X13". It turned out so cute (I think)!! It was a lot of fun, too. And my machine worked great. Good investment, I think...
Posted by Tyler and Gillian at 3:08 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Four years
That's how long Tyler and I have been married! Which means, we've actually been "together" for 8! That's a third of my life! But I have loved so much being with him and just knowing that he will be there always. I look forward to the next 60 years (or however long God gives us together). To celebrate our anniversary, we....watched a soccer game! Woohoo! Well, that's not completely true...we did watch a soccer game, and it was on our anniversary, but it was only because we had decided to celebrate this past weekend, instead of on a Tuesday. So, Saturday, we loaded up, drove about 2 hours up north, and went to Tulip Town. I have been wanting to get up there since we moved out here almost 3 years ago. Tyler graciously acquiesced, even though I'm sure it wasn't his first choice of things to do. :) So we spent about an hour wandering around the fields of beautiful flowers and taking pictures. Here's just a sampling:
Posted by Tyler and Gillian at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
One more thing...
Posted by Tyler and Gillian at 7:33 PM 0 comments
Not much to report...
Not much is new around here, unless you count house-hunting. We actually had mutual acceptance on a house a few weeks ago and felt excited about it, but it got snatched away at the last minute. Now we're back to the drawing board...We'll see what happens from here. Honestly, I'm feeling rather hopeless about the whole situation. After the ups and downs of being in this holding pattern for more than 2 years, of finding a house that might work only to see the possibility vanish before our very eyes, I'm almost scare to get excited anymore. Maybe we're destined to be renters for a while all can pray for my attitude. Sometimes I get frustrated and feel like we're being too picky, but I also don't want to buy such a huge purchace only to end up having one or the other of us hate it a few years down the road.
Easter was so fun! We met together with some friends from church for a traditional ham and potatoes Easter dinner. :) I love how friends can feel like family when need be, especially on holidays when I'm missing my REAL family. It was a great day full of laughter and teasing with some serious moments thrown in, too.
Other than that, we're just enjoying life. My job is going well (oh yeah, I started a new job about a month ago). I'm working at Neil's dive shop in Kent part time on Thursdays and Fridays. It's a very laid-back job but it's been fun to get more connected in the dive community. I met a guy a few weeks ago, and he asked Tyler and I to join him and his girlfriend on his boat! It was so fun to be out on the water on such a beautiful day (it was sunny and 60 the day we went out with them). Yay for connections! :)
Posted by Tyler and Gillian at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Cora's Legacy
Probably all of you know about my friends Joel and Jess and their little girl, Cora. Well, this week, in my little hometown, the newspaper called the Macs and wanted to write an article about Cora's Playground. The article ran yesterday and was so great!! You can read it here. Within a few hours of the story running, a news reporter called Jess and wanted to do a short clip for the 10pm news in Wichita. So, after some hesitation, Joel and Jess decided to go for it. It also turned out excellent!! Both of these opportunities have been great chances for the gospel to spread and the Macs have taken full advantage. They are so brave and strong. You can see the video here. The link to the video is in the upper-left hand corner. Enjoy, and please keep praying for this dear couple. You can read about their thoughts and experiences on their blog.
Posted by Tyler and Gillian at 8:16 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Ski trip
Well, before I write about the ski trip, I have to tell you all, I have officially experienced my first earthquake. Well, maybe it would be better to say that I have been in an earthquake, because I SLEPT THROUGH IT!!! Given the fact that it occured at 5:30am, I guess it's not too surprising that I was sleeping. But, I'm kinda excited that I can say I've been through an earthquake. You can read more about it here.
The ski trip is a semi-annual occurance. My parents have been skiing since before I was born, so the slopes are not foreign to me. This year, I chose to spend my time hanging out with my mom (who no longer skis) and make food for the guys instead of hit the slopes. We had fun having some mother-daughter time and the rest of the group had an excellent time sliding, skidding, and in general, falling, down the side of Copper Mountain. My dad is so comfortable on skis that he can ski backwards and video at the same time. He caught some great footage of jumps/crashes. Tyler had a couple good ones where he was very glad to have a helmet on.
We got to eat at Casa Bonita in Denver the first night which was excellent as always. Then we had three days of skiing/boarding, and left on Wednesday. It was a great trip and so fun to be with family. Zach and Elaine really missed out (really, guys, we did miss you, but I had to rub it in!).
Posted by Tyler and Gillian at 6:21 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Please pray
Hey everybody, I'm sure most of you readers out there have heard by now, but some friends of mine recently found out that their little 10 month old girl has stage 4 cancer. She had surgery late last week and is currently starting chemo. This next day or two will be very crucial in determining how things progress. Please pray hard and often for little Cora and her parents, Joel and Jessica. You can find their blog here: and read the full story. I just can't even imagine what they're going through, but their faith is staying strong. Pray, pray, pray!!
Posted by Tyler and Gillian at 3:09 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Christmas Update
Posted by Tyler and Gillian at 1:48 PM 2 comments