Friday, March 14, 2008


Tyler and I started running last Monday and I'm wondering if you all can give me some advice...I started getting shin splints on our last run, and they haven't gone away yet (it's been 2 days). Just curious as to whether I should keep running through the pain, or back off and let my legs heal? I've read many differing opinions online from reputable sources. I've been told to do anything from keep going as hard I have been (which isn't THAT hard) to stopping any sort of activity until the pain is completely gone. Just curious as to whether or not any of you have dealt with this and what you've done about it. Thanks!


Our Four Kids said...

Greg thinks you should rest a bit - but he's not sure! He has trouble of his own. Do you have good running shoes?

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem in soccer in high school. You know what I did? I popped Ibuprofin like it was going out of style. "Happy pills," I called them. 2 every day before practice or a game.

You probably thought I was gonna say I sucked it up and suffered through the pain, didn't you?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the real advice, Steph and Greg, and,dear brother, once again you are insane. Miss you though...

H said...

I'm pretty sure you're supposed to not run but I don't know. My dad is a runner and when I got them he told me to walk around the house on my heels whenever I could remember. I felt silly but I remember they went away after doing that for a while

Anonymous said...
